KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. Launches VIBE: a Virtual Induction Blended Experience for Remote Onboarding

Virtual Induction Blended Experience

With remote onboarding becoming increasingly vital to organizations during these times, KGL has formally launched an innovative framework for training new staff: Virtual Induction Blended Experience (VIBE). The solution employs gamification, AI chatbots, virtual mentoring, and digitized performance support to help employers manage the challenges of inducting and retaining a remote workforce.

A complete virtual onboarding and ongoing training program, VIBE aids the smooth integration and continuous upskilling of employees. It combines gamification and videos to provide an interactive experience as employees familiarize themselves with the organization. Augmented by chatbots powered with Artificial Intelligence, the solution is approachable, reliable, personalized, and engaging for learners.

Completely customizable, VIBE components can be interchangeable or implemented as an all-inclusive solution. Supplemental information like presentations and documents will be digitized in an accessible format to enhance the employee’s learning journey. VIBE utilizes a blended learning approach so that remote employees are directly engaged but can take self-paced online trainings at their convenience on any device.

For more information on connecting and engaging new employees through VIBE, please click below.